Saturday, February 21, 2009

Handsome goes blonde for the Sake of Lick?

This is a messed up blurry picture of me in the "blonde off" competition at Blonde Ambition, our very own DJ Blondtrons party that she threw together to celebrate her favorite blonde peoples. I'm wearing a wig. I may have flashed my chest. I did not win. We put together an awesome podcast, which will be posted up Monday morning... and after that as per usual the crew hit the town... hard!

I love Saturday and Sunday mornings cuz I wake up to text from all my friends that go a little something like this:
"What Happened"
"I will never drink again"
"I am no longer a man"

Keep you eyes and ears on HOTMESS.ORG for the latest podcast where we get down to the bottom of the serious massage debate that we have been having on the show for months.


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