Thursday, March 5, 2009

Stop the Recession, Buy a Tshirt !

Sometimes I like to buy somthing new from time to time to put on my back or my lower half so that I don't get too cold. I really really hate being chilly. So I scour the online masses to find fun and exciting new places that are able to take my hard earned money and replace it with really fun, funky and cool new duds. Now, most site have this brand and that brand no, these folks at revolve have done it up right, they have it all.. And I haven't even gotten to the best part yet.... wait....wait.... FREESHIPPING ! ! Thats right I am not telling a lie free shipping.
So all you gear guys and gals out there go and get your shop on. Much Love to the And while your shopping enjoy some sappy tunes by James Morrison and Canadas Nelly Furtado.

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