Monday, July 20, 2009

Good News Monday

It's important to try to combat your Mondays with so much good news that you can seamlessly summersalt into Tuesdays warm less, work-like glow.

To make that summersault a dive roll- check this out!

It looks like Amazon's top selling Wolves T-shirt and the You Tube keyboard cat "made nice" to create this glorious cotton offspring.

Apparently, this guy on Threadless is pumping these babies out like a TLC show (Jon&Kate Plus 8, 18 Kids and Counting, Table for 12 - pick your poison).

In other miracle news, the most hideous shoes in the world may soon be no more.The most surprising part is that these foam clogs sold 100 million pairs! How?

Maxim even named Crocs one of the “10 Worst Things to Happen to Men in 2007.” In 07, Crocs made a profit of $168.2 million. Last year, they lost $185.1 million.

Somehow I have a feeling we will still be seeing these around... If you are a Croc offender please read the public service announcement below and immediately dispose of them.

Finally, Kid Sister has announced the title and official release date of her long-anticipated debut album.

Ultraviolet, isn't due out until October but here's a leak that will keep your 'Right Hand Hi' until the weekend comes back.

Kid Sister Right Hand Hi

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