Thursday, July 16, 2009

One of the Downsides of Twitter..... I know there are many.

Jonah Hill has a Twitter impersonator, so if you follow him it's not really him. Some kid in Alaska has been posing as him on Twitter and causing trouble for the actor becasue the prankster made him sound like a complete douche to other celebrities...... I know its kinda funny but it's also not cool to wreck someone's rep.

Here's one of the exchanges that went down:

Exchange between fake Hill and Marlee Matlin, the deaf actress from West Wing:
Marlee Matlin... tweets that she loved Hill in Superbad. JonahHill_Jew replies, "How funny could it of been when you can't hear it?"

LOL Oh boy!

Here's a clip of Jonah talking about it on Letterman.


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