Saturday, October 3, 2009

Jon Brion's brain just beat the crap out of my brain with a guitar...

You're in a dark theater with a red curtain back drop lit by a string of those Christmas icicle lights and some bare light bulbs. There is an open faced piano on the stage with cords and electronics coming out of it, drums, like 15 guitars and... a xylophone?

You're here to see Jon Brion for the first time at Largo in Los Angeles. You have been waiting for this day for a long time because everyone is blown away by this guy.

The theater is humming with anticipation as sound check kinda goes down and the host announces the show.

Then this tall lanky dude, who looks sort of like Jay Brown, comes out in a plaid suit rockin some serious bangs. He check his gear and steps up to the microphone.

Jon: "You guys got that cold going around? I do... whatever, let's play some fucking music."

Then for the next hour and half he proceeds to blow your brains out of your ears.

This is a one man concert. He goes from Cheap Trick to Bowie. From "Come on get Happy" to "Beast of Burden". He goes from wicked guitar solo to piano solo to laying down loops on drums, piano and video to create full blown concert tracks that I can't put into words. When he isn't sure where to go next he calls out for requests and will play and sing any track you can come up with. It's beautiful, powerful and makes you feel stupid. This mans brain does things that most brains can't do. This is a must see show and for $25 bones it's the best musical bang for your buck you can get these days.

I love LA


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