Friday, July 24, 2009

Ever watch Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations? No? Well you should!!

It's a travel & food show on the Travel Channel where "Tony" vists places all over the world to try their local cuisine and culture BUT it's so much more then that! In the one hour show he manages to cram anything and everything on whatever city he is in that is food, culture and oh yes cocktails, there is definetly no lack of drinking on this show on Tony's part.

He also has a fondness for street meat and showcases at least once in every city where you can get a high quality, delicious and most importantly freshly prepared quick street food.

Egyptian Breakfast:

His emmy award winning show has been running for a few season now but you can definitely catch reruns on the travel channel. He is an extremely charismatic and colorful man who has that NY attitude of telling it like it is and no holds bar, his description of San Paolo: it's like L.A. threw up on NY!

By far his best episode was in Beirut when the Israel-Lebanon conflict broke out. Despite having filmed only one restaurant before fighting began, Bourdain's producers compiled the Beirut footage into a episode. Uncharacteristically, the episode included footage of both Bourdain and his production staff, and included not only their initial attempts to film the episode, but also their firsthand encounters with Hezbollah supporters, their days of waiting for news with other expatriates in a Beirut hotel, and their eventual escape aided by a "cleaner" (unseen in the footage) whom Bourdain dubbed "Mr. Wolfe." The episode was nominated for an Emmy Award in 2007

I highly recommend this show it's a welcoming break from all the other crap on TV, not to mention you get great tips if you should ever feel inclined to visit any one of the cities profiled.


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